Sonic.Exe The Spirits Of Hell

You know about the evil transformation that happened to Sonic the Hedgehog. One day, this adorable personage has totally changed. He turned into an evil monster under the influence of some unknown virus. Now it is difficult to recognize the character – so much he has changed. Now, it is Sonic.Exe, an angry creature who easily gets furious when something gets out of his control. He is even hostile towards his friends. The personage is ready to kill them all with no mercy. But in The Spirits of Hell, the situation is a bit different – you can now play for Sonic’s friends and help them avoid death! You will not leave poor creatures in trouble, will you?

Pass all the levels

At first, you are to choose who will become your protagonist – Knuckles, Tails, Amy Rose or others. Now you will confront the worst version of the hedgehog. The players will have to guide their heroes through a number of intricate levels. They must help the friends to overcome all sorts of obstacles and escape the evil enemy. It will be a struggle to run away from the superfast Sonic. But if you manage to go beyond the edge of your reflexes, you will save Sonic’s friends from the death. Hurry up, it is time to start the first level right now!

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